The elemental antiferromagnet Cr at high pressure presents a new type of naked quantum critical point that is free of disorder and symmetry-breaking fields. Here we measure magnetotransport in fine detail around the critical pressure, P c ∼ 10 GPa, in a diamond anvil cell and reveal the role of quantum critical fluctuations at the phase transition. As the magnetism disappears and T → 0, the magntotransport scaling converges to a non-mean-field form that illustrates the reconstruction of the magnetic Fermi surface, and is distinct from the critical scaling measured in chemically disordered Cr∶V under pressure. The breakdown of itinerant antiferromagnetism only comes clearly into view in the clean limit, establishing disorder as a relevant variable at a quantum phase transition.antiferromagnetism | spin density waves | electric transport C ompetition between magnetic and nonmagnetic states of matter in the zero-temperature limit underlies the emergence of exotic ground states such as non-Fermi liquid metals and unconventional superconductors (1). This observation has motivated several decades of work to understand the physics of magnetic quantum phase transitions (QPT) (2-7). A substantial part of the effort has been directed at the materials science challenges that are inherent to realizing nearly-magnetic states of matter and to the fine tuning of materials so that the phase transitions can be probed systematically. The fundamental limitations that remain are uncertainty over the role of disorder (2,4,8), as well as a predilection for first-order transitions that shroud the quantum critical behavior (3, 5). Recent X-ray measurements identified a continuous disappearance of magnetic order in the elemental antiferromagnet Cr near the critical pressure P c ∼ 10 GPa, and concurrent measurements of the crystal lattice across the transition failed to detect any discontinuous change in symmetry or volume (9). These results identify Cr as a stoichiometric itinerant magnet with a continuous QPT-where the effects of the critical point should be manifest-and present a rare opportunity to study quantum criticality in a theoretically tractable system that is free from the effects of disorder. Moreover, the use of hydrostatic pressure as a tuning parameter avoids the introduction of any confounding symmetry-breaking fields.For the experimentalist, studying elemental Cr shifts the significant technical difficulties from solid state chemistry to high pressure experimentation. Here we report on high-resolution measurements of the electrical resistivity and Hall coefficient of Cr as the system is tuned with pressure in a diamond anvil cell across P c . Magnetotransport is a sensitive probe of quantum criticality and is widely used to identify and characterize quantum matter (4,5,8,10). At ambient pressure Cr orders antiferromagnetically at the Néel temperature, T N ðP ¼ 0Þ ¼ 311 K. Below T N , electrons and holes form magnetic pairs and condense into a spin density wave (SDW), in a process with strong analogies to the Bardeen-Coo...