Toy models of interacting Pomerons with triple and quaternary Pomeron vertices in zero transverse dimension are investigated. Numerical solutions for eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the corresponding Hamiltonians are obtained, providing the quantum solution for the scattering amplitude in both models. The equations of motion for the Lagrangians of the theories are also considered and the classical solutions of the equations are found. Full two-point Green functions ("effective" Pomeron propagator) and amplitude of diffractive dissociation process are calculated in the framework of RFT-0 approach. The importance of the loops contribution in the amplitude at different values of the model parameters is discussed as well as the difference between the models with and without quaternary Pomeron vertex. *The complete understanding of the high energy scattering processes is impossible without the calculation of the contributions of the different unitarization corrections to the amplitude. In the QCD Pomeron framework, [1,2,3], these corrections are arose due the self Pomeron interactions via the triple Pomeron interactions vertices [4,5]. These self Pomeron interactions lead to the very complicated picture of the amplitude's evolution with rapidity, see for example [6,7,8,9,10].There are few main approaches which claim that they properly describe the Pomeron self interactions. The first one is presented as a chain of the evolution equations with Balitsky-Kovchegov (BK) equation as a main field equation of the hierarchy, [11]. The BK equation may be formulated in the framework of the Color Glass Condensate Approach (CGK), [10], and may be properly analyzed in the terms of s-channel interacting color dipoles, [12]. This equation correctly describes the interaction of two non identical objects, for example such interactions as DIS on nuclei, see [13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20]. Another approach is the QCD Reggeon Field Theory (RFT-QCD), which is formulated in the momentum space and based on the standard diagrammatic calculus, [6,7,8,9,21,22,23]. In this approach the BK equation describes a resummation of the "fan" diagrams of the type depicted in Fig.1a with only Pomerons merging vertices considered.Usual BK equation, describing "fan" diagrams, does not include Pomeron's splitting vertex. Therefore, the next natural step toward the unitarization of the amplitude is a symmetrical consideration of the scattering process with both vertices included. In this case the splitting vertex may be accounted differently in two different approximations. In the first approach the semi-classical problem of the interest is considered and there the sum of the diagrams depicted in Fig.1b is calculated, neglecting Pomeron loops contribution into amplitude. The second approach is concentrated on the solution of the full quantum problem basing on some effective high-energy QCD inspired models, accounting diagrams of Fig.1c type, see for example [24]. So far several attempts of the calculations were done in both directions, on the basis of QCD-RFT t...