We have investigated the transverse charge density for longitudinal and transversely polarized ρ meson in light-front quark model (LFQM). Charge densities are obtained from the elastic form factors of the ρ meson calculated in LFQM including the zero-mode contributions. We have computed the different helicity matrix elements of the ρ meson. In addition to this, we have also presented the results for the generalized parton distributions (GPDs) and impact-parameter dependent parton distribution functions (ipdpdfs) of the ρ meson. 1 arXiv:1901.02836v1 [hep-ph] 9 Jan 2019 this, ρ meson light-front wavefunctions (LFWFs) is also extracted using HERA data on diffractive ρ photoproduction [31]. Space-like and time-like γ * π → ρ and γ * ρ → π transition form factors are also studied in light-cone formalism [32]. Recently, Sun et al. have also discussed the generalized parton distributions and parton distributions in impact-parameter for ρ meson [33, 34]. Recently, AdS/QCD formalism has been successfully applied to various hadronic properties like, generalized parton distributions (GPDs), parton distribution functions (PDFs), form factors and transverse densities [35-65]. Regarding spin-1 particle like ρ meson, a lot of work has been done