We report successful treatment of mesenteric diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) using localized involved site radiation therapy (ISRT), intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT), and daily CT-image guidance.
Patients with mesenteric DLBCL treated with RT between 2011 and 2017 were reviewed. Clinical and treatment characteristics were analyzed for an association with local control (LC), progression free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS).
Twenty-three patients were eligible. At diagnosis, the median age was 52 years (38–76), and 57% (n=13) had stage I/II DLBCL. All patients received frontline chemotherapy (ChT) (R-CHOP, n=19; dose-adjusted R-EPOCH, n=4) with median 6 cycles. Prior to RT, salvage ChT for refractory DLBCL was given to 43% (n=10) and autologous stem cell transplantation was administered in 13% (n=3). At the time of RT, PET-CT revealed five-point scale (5PS) of 1–3 (48%, n=11), 4 (9%, n=2), and 5 (44%, n=10). All patients received IMRT, daily CT imaging and ISRT. The median RT dose was 40 Gy (16.2–49.4). Relapse or progression occurred in 22% (n=5). At median follow-up of 37 months, the 3-year LC, PFS and OS rates were 80%, 75% and 96%, respectively. Among patients treated with RT after complete metabolic response to frontline ChT (n=8), 3-year PFS was 100%, compared to 61% for patients with history of chemorefractory DLBCL (n=15, p=0.055). Four of the five relapses occurred in patients with 5PS of 5 prior to RT (p=0.127).
Mesenteric involvement of DLBCL can be successfully targeted with localized ISRT fields using IMRT and daily CT-image guidance.