We review the current status of nondestructive highresolution X-ray diffractometry research on semiconductor structures with quantum dots (QDs). The formalism of the statistical theory of diffraction is used to consider the coherent and diffuse X-ray scattering in crystalline systems with nanoinclusions. Effects of the shape, elastic strain, and lateral and vertical QD correlation on the diffuse scattering angular distribution near the reciprocal lattice nodes are considered. Using short-period and multicomponent superlattices as an example, we demonstrate the efficiency of data-assisted simulations in the quantitative analysis of nanostructured materials. Contents 1. Introduction. Methods of research on structures with quantum dots 419 2. High-resolution X-ray diffraction 420 2.1 Triple-axis X-ray diffractometry; 2.2 Statistical theory of X-ray diffraction. Coherent and diffuse scattering; 2.3 Direct and inverse X-ray diffraction problems 3. X-ray diffraction in structured media 423 3.1 Multilayer quantum dots; 3.2 Semiconductor structures with self-organized quantum dots; 3.3 Diffraction on 3D periodic quantum dot arrays 4. Influence of the quantum dot shape, size, and elastic strain on X-ray diffuse scattering 426 4.1 Diffuse scattering from epitaxial structures with quantum dots of different shapes; 4.2 Spheroidal quantum dots 5. Spatial correlations in the arrangement of quantum dots 432 5.1 Lateral correlation of quantum dots. Short-range order; 5.2 Vertical correlation of quantum dots 6. Quantitative X-ray diffraction analysis of heterostructures with quantum dots 437 6.1 Short-period superlattices with quantum dots; 6.2 Multicomponent heterostructures with quantum dots 7. Conclusion 443 References 443 Physics ± Uspekhi 58 (5) 419 ± 445 (2015) # 2015 Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk, Russian Academy of Sciences V I Punegov Physics ± Uspekhi 58 (5) V I Punegov Physics ± Uspekhi 58 (5) V I Punegov Physics ± Uspekhi 58 (5)