In the past decades, many classical force fields for molecular simulations on water have been developed. [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13] A review article in 2002 indicates that there are 46 water models, 14 which were classified as rigid, flexible, and polarizable models. 15 The most popular water models -the TIP3P (transferable intermolecular potential 3P quite well, the prediction from SPC/E is somewhat acceptable at room temperatures and this water model has been widely used. However, MD results for shear viscosity at high temperatures are rarely found in the literature. In this study, we utilize the GreenKubo (GK) formula for the calculation of shear viscosities of SPC/E water using MD simulations over the range of temperatures 300 to 550 K. The primary goal of this study is to compare shear viscosities of water with the experimental measures at high temperatures and to examine the temperature dependence of shear viscosity of SPC/E water.
Molecular Dynamics SimulationCanonical ensemble MD simulations of N = 1024 water molecules with Ewald summation over the range of temperatures 300 to 550 K were carried out for equilibration in the cubic box of length L determined from water densities at given temperatures (see Table 1). Ewald summations were used in our simulations with the parameter for = 2.0 Å 1 and the real-space cut distance r cut and K max chosen as 10.0 Å and 7, respectively. Nosé-Hoover thermostat 30,31 was used to keep the temperature constant (the Nosé-Hoover thermostat relaxation constant is given as Q = 10 f k B with f as the number of degrees of freedom and k B as the Boltzmann constant). The usual periodic boundary condition was applied in the x-, y-, and z-direction, and the minimum image convention for pair potential were applied. The equations of translational motion were solved using a velocity Verlet algorithm 32 with a time step of l0 15 second (1 fs) and a quaternion formulation 33,34 was employed to solve the equations of rotational motion about the center of mass of rigid SPC/E water molecules. The configurations of water molecules were stored every 10 time steps for further analysis. The systems were fully equilibrated for 500,000 time steps and the equilibrium properties are averaged over 10 blocks of 100,000 time steps (0.1 ns).The original GK formula for viscosity is given by ,where (2) is the pressure of particle i on to the wall with = xy, xz, yx, yz, zx, and zy.
Results and DiscussionWe plot the stress auto-correlation (SAC) functions, the