We have used a fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) technique to measure radial diffusion of myoglobin and other proteins in single skeletal and cardiac muscle cells. We compare the radial diffusivities, Dr (i.e., diffusion perpendicular to the long fiber axis), with longitudinal ones, Dl (i.e., parallel to the long fiber axis), both measured by the same technique, for myoglobin (17 kDa), lactalbumin (14 kDa), and ovalbumin (45 kDa). At 22°C, D l for myoglobin is 1.2 ؋ 10 ؊7 cm 2 ͞s in soleus fibers and 1.1 ؋ 10 ؊7 cm 2 ͞s in cardiomyocytes. Dl for lactalbumin is similar in both cell types. Dr for myoglobin is 1.2 ؋ 10 ؊7 cm 2 ͞s in soleus fibers and 1.1 ؋ 10 ؊7 cm 2 ͞s in cardiomyocytes and, again, similar for lactalbumin. Dl and Dr for ovalbumin are 0.5 ؋ 10 ؊7 cm 2 ͞s. In the case of myoglobin, both Dl and Dr at 37°C are about 80% higher than at 22°C. We conclude that intracellular diffusivity of myoglobin and other proteins (i) is very low in striated muscle cells, Ϸ1͞10 of the value in dilute protein solution, (ii) is not markedly different in longitudinal and radial direction, and (iii) is identical in heart and skeletal muscle. A Krogh cylinder model calculation holding for steady-state tissue oxygenation predicts that, based on these myoglobin diffusivities, myoglobin-facilitated oxygen diffusion contributes 4% to the overall intracellular oxygen transport of maximally exercising skeletal muscle and less than 2% to that of heart under conditions of high work load.
Since Wittenberg (1, 2) demonstrated that myoglobin (Mb) diffusion facilitates O 2 transport in aqueous solutions, it has been postulated that facilitated O 2 diffusion may play an important role in respiring muscle. The extent of Mb-facilitated sarcoplasmic O 2 transport will depend mainly on the intracellular concentration of Mb, which is fairly well known for various muscle fiber types, and on the magnitude of its sarcoplasmic diffusion coefficient (D), which still is a matter of discussion. The direct measurement of translational Mb diffusivity in living skeletal muscle fibers (3-5) revealed an unexpectedly small value for D. However, in these studies, Mb diffusivity-for technical reasons-has been measured only along the longitudinal axis of muscle fibers and over long distances (tens or hundreds of sarcomere lengths). In contrast, facilitated O 2 transport in vivo mainly requires radial diffusion of Mb, from the sarcolemma to the mitochondria, i.e., in the direction perpendicular to the longitudinal fiber axis. It is conceivable that the highly ordered sarcoplasmic structures, e.g., the myofilaments, might give rise to significant differences between longitudinal (D l ) and radial (D r ) diffusion coefficients. Such an anisotropy has been reported for small molecules such as H 2 O (6), Ca 2ϩ (7), and O 2 (8), but it was not clear whether this also would be true for protein diffusion. Thus, the magnitude of D r in living heart and skeletal muscle remained a matter of speculation. For example, Baylor and Pape (3) argued that the...