A comparison is made of the photoelectrochemica] properties of Fe,.,,6Sn0.00~O:~ in two forms: as polycrystalline sintered compacts and as amorphous thin films prepared by RF sputtering. There is no essential difference in optical bandgaps, Mott-Schottky intercepts, band-edge positions, and optical absorption spectra. For the photo-oxidation of water, the difference between instantaneous and steady-state photocurrents is much larger for the amorphous than for crystalline form, which indicates a difference in the density and/or effectiveness of surface states. This difference between instantaneous and steady-state currents disappears, for both amorphous and crystalline Fe~O3, on adding the S 2-/S. '2-redox couple to the solution. The dark current of the amorphous form is larger, and its quantum efficiency in the ultraviolet is smaller.Ferric oxide has been studied extensively as a photoanode; its relatively small bandgap, good chemical stability, and easy preparation makes it an interesting material for application in liquid-junction solar cells. However, its properties as a photoanode for water oxidation are apparently far from simple: on exposure to light, the photocurrents show strong transient excursions, and they do not set in at the flatband potential. Moreover, the Mott-Schottky plots are often found to be curved, and dependent on the measuring frequency as well. These deviations from simple behavior have been reported for Fe20:~ in the form of single crystals (1, 2), polycrystalline ceramics (3-5), and flame-oxidized iron (6, 7). The extent to which these complexities occur seems to depend sensitively on the sample preparation conditions; this points towards an important role for defect states, either in the bulk or at the surface.In this paper, we report a comparison of the photoelectrochemical behavior of polycrystalline and amorphous Fe20:~. Our basic result is that the absence of long-range order in amorphous Fe20:~ has no influence on those properties which are normally associated with the crystalline electronic band structure. Only those parameters which control the kinetics of the forward and backreactions of the photo-oxidation of water (without added redox couples) differ significantly between the amorphous and crystalline forms.) unless CC License in place (see abstract). ecsdl.org/site/terms_use address. Redistribution subject to ECS terms of use (see Downloaded on 2015-04-05 to IP ) unless CC License in place (see abstract). ecsdl.org/site/terms_use address. Redistribution subject to ECS terms of use (see Downloaded on 2015-04-05 to IPABSTRACT Electron-transfer processes at highly doped p-InP electrodes were investigated by monitoring the cyclic voltammetric dark currents of a series of metallocenes in acetonitrile solutions. The formal reduction potentials of the metallocenes span the bandgap of InP, allowing a comparison of the cyclic voltammetric response as a function of the formal reduction potential and the energetic condition of the electrode surface. Since th...