Nonlinear independent component analysis is combined with diffusion-map data analysis techniques to detect good observables in high-dimensional dynamic data. These detections are achieved by integrating local principal component analysis of simulation bursts by using eigenvectors of a Markov matrix describing anisotropic diffusion. The widely applicable procedure, a crucial step in model reduction approaches, is illustrated on stochastic chemical reaction network simulations.slow manifold | dimensionality reduction | chemical reactions E volution of dynamical systems often occurs on two or more time scales. A simple deterministic example is given by the coupled system of ordinary differential equations (ODEs)with the small parameter 0 < Ï 1, where α(u, v) and ÎČ(u, v) are O(1). For any given initial condition (u 0 , v 0 ), already at t = O(Ï) the system approaches a new value (u 0 , v), where v satisfies the asymptotic relation ÎČ(u 0 , v) = 0. Although the system is fully described by two coordinates, the relation ÎČ(u, v) = 0 defines a slow one-dimensional manifold which approximates the slow dynamics for t Ï. In this example, it is clear that v is the fast variable whereas u is the slow one. Projecting onto the slow manifold here is rather easy: The fast foliation is simply "vertical", i.e. u = const. However, when we observe the system in terms of the variables x = x(u, v) and y = y (u, v) which are unknown nonlinear functions of u and v, then the "observables" x and y have both fast and slow dynamics. Projecting onto the slow manifold becomes nontrivial, because the transformation from (x, y) to (u, v) is unknown. Detecting the existence of an intrinsic slow manifold under these conditions and projecting onto it are important in any model reduction technique. Knowledge of a good parametrization of such a slow manifold is a crucial component of the equation-free framework for modeling and computation of complex/multiscale systems (1-3).Principal component analysis (PCA, also known as POD) (4-6) has traditionally been used for data and model reduction in contexts ranging from meteorology (7) and transitional flows (8) to protein folding (9, 10); in these contexts the PCA procedure is used to detect good global reduced coordinates that best capture the data variability. In recent years, diffusion maps (11-17) have been used in a similar spirit to detect low-dimensional, nonlinear manifolds underlying high-dimensional datasets.In this paper, we integrate ensembles of local PCA analyses in the diffusion-map framework to enable the detection of slow variables in high-dimensional data arising from dynamic model simulations. The proposed algorithm is built along the lines of the nonlinear independent component analysis method recently introduced in ref. 18. The approach takes into account the time dependence of the data, whereas in the diffusion-map approach the time labeling of the data points is not included. We demonstrate our algorithm for stochastic simulators arising in the context of chemical/biochemical react...