In 1994, the Univ ersity System of Georgia embarked on an ambitious eff ort to reduce the costs of disputing by creating what is now possibly the largest comprehensive, integrated confl ict management system (ICMS) in higher education. For almost twenty years, the Consortium on Negotiation an d Confl ict Resolution has provided technical advice and support for this initiative. Th is article reviews the context, summarizes the ICMS design, draws a few lessons, and speculates on the value of this work. Because of my close personal involvement, I am straying from convention and telling this story from the fi rst-person perspective. Although probably skewed by hindsight, the historical context is important because our decisions and actions refl ected the prevailing conditions and our nascent level of knowledge and experience. Th e overarching lessons are applicable to most organizations and particularly salient for the confl ict management challenges facing the diverse colleges and universities in the United States today and any multifaceted, integrative organization.