This repat was prepared as an o~counS of Govomarscrc sponsored work. Weirher th. United Stutee, not the Comdission, nor. on); poreom ocflng on b6half of the Commlssionr A. h k r s any wurrmty or reprbsentotion, expressed or impllud, wRh rropect t o tbr accufflcy. comp4rt.mrs, or usefulness of the iniarmation conmlned i n fhis reporf, or h a t fhe u r e of any inferination, oppmrotuc, method, or procass &isclosed in thh fupori may net infringe privately owned rights: or B. Aasumoc any Ilobillties with t e s p c t to the use of, or for domagn resulting from the use of any informbatio~, oppo?stur. method, or promess disclosed in this repMa As wed I n the above, "person acting on behalf of the Commis~ion'~ includes m y ehtployee or sonnacto, of the Commircfon, or employee of sweh centmotor, to the extent that sucrh e m~i o p e or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor preporor, dimeminotea. or provides occess to, any information purswnt t o his employment oz contract with the CommissEon, or his employment with such controetar.