“…After three basal samples from Ϫ150 to Ϫ120 min, a continuous infusion of somatostatin (1.0 g ⅐ min Ϫ1 ⅐ kg Ϫ1 ; Bachem, Torrance, CA) was begun to suppress endogenous insulin secretion, and porcine insulin was infused into the femoral vein and maintained from Ϫ120 to 180 min for a total period of 5 h. During this insulin infusion, glucose was measured in 10-min intervals during the first 60 min and in 15-min intervals thereafter, and plasma glucose was clamped to basal levels by variable infusion of 50% glucose labeled with [3-3 H]-D-glucose (2.7 Ci/g glucose). Also, at 0 min, an intravenous bolus of [ 14 C]inulin (0.8 Ci/kg body wt) was given into a saphenous vein, and rapid samples for the measurement of the kinetic profile of [ 14 C]inulin were collected at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6,8,10,12,15,17,20,25,30,35,40,45,50, and 60 min and in 15-min intervals until the end of the experiment at 180 min. Protocol 2 (anesthetized study, sequential approach with interstitial fluid access).…”