The present study investigated the sorption of 237 Np, 239 Pu and 241 Am onto magnetite and goethite as a typical iron corrosion product under reducing conditions as a function of solution pH, both in the presence and absence of CO 2 at 25 °C. The sorption experiments were carried out for each actinide independently and for the simultaneous presence of the three actinides. Alpha-spectrometry of the liquid phase was performed to determine the equilibrium concentrations of the actinides after the sorption period. The sorption was strongly pH dependent. The sorption of 237 Np onto iron minerals was enhanced by the presence of CO 2 to some extent. In other cases, the presence of CO 2 did not affect or prevented the actinides from sorption. There seems to be no simple tendency in the observed data under the conditions examined, probably due to the effects of aqueous and surface complexation reactions with carbonate ions.