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Obtenção dos tempos de equilíbrio e coeficientes de difusão de ácido e de sal para desenhar o processo de marinado de filés de Engraulis anchoita
Obtainment of equilibrium times and diffusion coefficients of acid and salt to design the marinating process of Engraulis anchoita filletsMaría Rosa CASALES 1,3 , María Eugenia CAPACCIONI 2 , María Isabel YEANNES 1,3 *
IntroductionWhen marinating foods, pieces of fresh or defrosted food are immersed in solutions of low pH and high salt content to obtain a product with pH lower than 4.5 and with the desired sensorial characteristics (MC LAY, 1972). Differences of acid and salt contents in food and marinating solutions cause simultaneous diffusion of acid and salt in the food and water out of the food. The study of diffusional changes in each food and the determination of equilibrium times are very important and necessary to determine marinating conditions. Telis et al. (2004) determined the apparent diffusion coefficient for sucrose, NaCl and water during osmotic dehydration of tomatoes. Turhana and Kaletunc (1992) determined a modeling of salt diffusion for their work on white cheese during long-term brining, Pajonk et al. (2003) conducted an experimental study and modeling of NaCl diffusion coefficients during hard-cheese brining and Gerla and Rubiolo (2003) studied the simultaneous diffusion of NaCl, lactic acid and water in cheese during brining. Deng (1977), Favetto et al. (1981), Zugarramurdi and Lupin (1980) and Graiver et al. (2006) determined some kinetic data on the penetration of salt in meat and fish. Specifically for E. anchoita, there are studies on dry and wet salting LUPÍN, 1977). Studies on both acetic acid and salt uptake in fish are scarcer; Rodger et al. (1984) examined these diffusion properties in herring muscles.In this work, the marinades of anchovies (Engraulis anchoita) were studied.Engraulis anchoita is a small pelagic fish that occurs in the South Western Atlantic Ocean, from 22º S, in Brazilian waters, to 47º S, in Argentine waters. This species is the most abundant and underexploited pelagic fishes. The Argentinean process includes canned in oil, salted and matured product, salted fillet with oil and marinated. The last process mentioned is a new product
ResumoFoi estudada a difusão simultânea de cloreto de sódio e ácido acético em filés de anchoíta. Os resultados mostram que foram alcançadas condições de equilíbrio entre os filés e a solução de marinado, de acordo com os valores K obtidos para fechar a unidade. A solução de marinado precisou de agitação para evitar a formação de uma camada superficial diluída nos filés de pescado. Os tempos de equilíbrio para ácido e sal foram maiores para as amostras agitadas durante o marinado. O gasto de cloreto de sódio e ácido acético durante o marinado dos filés de anchoíta pode ser explicado pela lei de Fick. Os valores do coeficiente de difusão para ácido acético a 20 °C foram 3,39 × 10 -6 e 3,49 × 10 -6 cm 2 /segundos para marinado com e sem agitaçã...