The stationary horizon is a stochastic process consisting of coupled Brownian motions, indexed by their real-valued drifts. It was recently constructed by the first author as the scaling limit of the Busemann process for exponential last-passage percolation. We show that the stationary horizon is invariant under the KPZ fixed point. We use this result to show that the stationary horizon describes the Busemann process of the directed landscape, across all directions of growth. We show the existence of semi-infinite geodesics in the directed landscape, simultaneously across all initial points and all directions. We show that, as a function of the direction, the set of discontinuities in the Busemann process is a countable dense set, denoted Ξ, and this is exactly the set of directions in which not all geodesics coalesce. For directions ξ ∈ Ξ, from every initial point p ∈ R 2 , there exist at least two distinct geodesics from p that eventually split. Across all initial points, this creates two distinct families of geodesics, each of which has a coalescing structure. This is analogous to the result for the exponential corner growth model proved by Janjigian, Rassoul-Agha, and the second author, as well as the result for Brownian last-passage percolation proved by the last two authors. We use tools developed in the latter work to deal with the continuum of initial points in the plane. Contents 42 Appendix B. The directed landscape and the KPZ fixed point 43 Appendix C. The Busemann process for exponential last-passage percolation 46 Appendix D. The stationary horizon 51 References 53