SynopsisThe IIC1-or papain-decomposition residues obtained from rednced wool fibers grafted wit,h 1 .5-3.0yo methyl methacrylate were extractively fractionated successively wit,h cold acetone, hot acetone, and benzene. Each fraction was examined by infrared spectroscopy. Generally, the 715 cm-' spectral band considered to he due to YC-S-C was found iri the hot acetone-soluble fraction. It was concluded that the thiol groups on wool keratin provide the main sites of grafting, as might he expected. A similar result was obtained for grafted silk fibroin fibers, the methionine residue being presumed to he related to some of the grafting sites at least. Furthermore, a sort of stereoregularity was observed in some of the graft polymer fractions, isotactic-rich material being obtained in the case of silk fibers. In the range of very low grafting, a stereoregulating effect on the structure of the polymer formed within fibers appears to be present in relation to the grafting or adsorption sites of monomers and the fine structure of fibers.