“…Researchers from different countries pay attention to the regional development in their local areas. In particular, T. Talitha , T. Firman and D. Hudalah discovered decentralization in Indonesia [1]; J. Jia, G. Ma, C. Qin and L. Wang -place-based policies in China [2]; N. Matteucci -digital agendas, regional policy and institutional quality the Italian broadband plan [3]; N. Surubaru -the impact of European aid on national and local development in Bulgaria and Romania [4]; F. Silvestri, and F. Spigarelli and M. Tassinari analyzed regional development of circular economy in the European Union [5]. By this time, E. Merkaj, R. Lucchetti and F. Fiorillo underlined the role of local leaders in regional development funding [6], M. Klofsten , C. Norrman, E. Cadorin and H. Löfsten studied three regional initiatives of the support and development of small and new firms in rural areas [7]; N. Henry and A. Smith evaluated the post-brexit urban and regional development futures [8]; N. Moşteanu discovered green sustainable regional development and digital era [9]; K. Malik, L. Mach, M. Szewczuk-Stepien and P. Bebenek discussed specialization integrated strategy of innovations as an effective model for emerging regional economy development [10]; B. Asheim looked for the new path development in less innovative regions in smart specialization, innovation policy, and regional innovation systems [11]; M. Grillitsch and M. Sotarauta searched the trinity of change agency, regional development paths and opportunity spaces [12].…”