A new analytical model for predicting electromagnetic interference from corona on electric power lines has been developed. The corona is modeled as electric dipoles located on the surface of the power line conductor which is located above a homogeneous 1ossy Earth. The position and driving current of each dipole are described statistically. Expressions are found for the spectral density of the fields radiated by the corona and the currents induced on the power line. The main contribution of the new model is that it is valid in frequency ranges (i.e., 2-30 MHz) for which no model presently exists and for distances and directions from the power line which are essentially unrestricted. The model is shown to agree well with an empirical formula which was developed from the limited experimental data available. related to weather conditions and conductor surface electric field via an empirically derived "generation function" [IEEE, 1973; EPRI, 1975]. The surface field can be calculated from power line design parameters. The result is a formula for corona generated electromagnetic interference near a power line. Clearly, results based on this theory are limited. The assumed characteristics of the source are rudi-OLSEN AND WU: INTERFERENCE FROM POWER LINES 341 POWER LINE CONDUCTOR ' t/,t CORONA DISCHARGES /////// • t t f' AIR (•o,P"o)