E-learning has emerged as an essential component of sustainable education. This study is a clarification evaluation of e-learning implementation at a private higher education institution. This developmental research design was utilized to evaluate the CIPP model using the criteria of the OECD with the data gathered from nine participants. The researcher used a validated interview guide to determine the implementation’s context, input, process, and product. In the context of implementation, four themes emerged: efficient compliance with curriculum standards, relevant 21st-century skills, perceived efficiency of teachers and students, and inadequate availability of equipment. Two themes emerged for the inputs: a sustainable learning management system and relevant curriculum content. In the process, four steps emerged: planning, pre-implementation, implementation, and monitoring. Two themes that impacted product outputs emerged: workload reduction for teachers and efficient access and student monitoring. This concluded that a clear, thoughtful, and clever implementation policy can guarantee smoother and more effective services. Additionally, deliberate steps and various actions were taken to ensure the program’s successful delivery. The implementation positively impacted on both teachers’ and students’ output.