This paper addresses the issue of current sampling in high performance AC drive system fed by discontinuous PWM inverter. The effect of the sampling error due to the measurement delay produced by low pass filter and A/D converter is described in case of discontinuous PWM. To compensate the error, a method to estimate the delay time of the whole measurement system based on the measured current is proposed and its effectiveness is verified by experimental results. The proposed algorithm can automatically estimate the system delay introduced by low pass filter and A D converter at the commissioning stage. Through delaying the current sampling by the estimated value, experimental results reveal more than 50% reduction of current ripples.= r, +-argG,(2$=)
2?Lwhere G,(.) is the transfer function of the 2"d order filter, f,, the signal frequency, f,, the cutoff frequency of the filter and 6 , the damping coefficient of the filter. If f, is sufficiently smaller than f, , (1) can be simplified as follows.0-7803-5160-6/99/$10.00 0 1999 IEEE.