Network visibility and monitoring are critical in modern networks due to the increased density, additional complexity, higher bandwidth, and lower latency requirements. Precise packet timestamping and synchronization are essential to temporally correlate captured information in different datacenter locations. This is key for visibility, event ordering and latency measurements in segments as telecom, power grids and electronic trading in finance, where order execution and reduced latency are critical for successful business outcomes. This contribution presents Precise Network Time Monitoring (PNTM), a novel mechanism for asynchronous Ethernet packet timestamping which adapts a Digital Dual Mixer Time Difference (DDMTD) implemented in an FPGA. Picosecond-precision packet timestamping is outlined for 1 Gigabit Ethernet. Furthermore, this approach is combined with the White Rabbit (WR) synchronization protocol, used as reference for the IEEE 1588-2019 High Accuracy Profile to provide unprecedented packet capturing correlation accuracy in distributed network scenarios thanks to its sub-nanosecond time transfer. The paper presents different application examples, describes the method of implementation, integration of WR with PNTM and subsequently describes experiments to demonstrate that PNTM is a suitable picosecond-level distributed packet timestamping solution.