Elizalde (2011) characterized which permutations can be obtained by ordering consecutive elements in the trajectories of (positive) beta-transformations and beta-shifts. We prove similar results for negative bases beta. 1 n log #{π ∈ S n : B − (π) < β} = log β (which is the entropy of the (−β)-transformation) for β > 1, but we do not know whether c n = #{π ∈ S n : B − (π) = 1} grows polynomially; we have c 2 = 2, c 3 = 5, c 4 = 12, c 5 = 19, c 6 = 34, c 7 = 57, c 8 = 82, c 9 = 115, . . .Recall that #{π ∈ S n : B + (π) = 1} = n. It would also be interesting to give more precise asymptotics for the number of permutations with B − (π) < N or B − (π) ≤ N for some integer N ≥ 2. The following theorem characterizes B − (π) < N .Theorem 3. Let π ∈ S n , n ≥ 2. The minimal number of distinct elements of a sequence w satisfying Pat(w, Σ, n) = π, w.r.t. the alternating lexicographical order, is N − (π) = ⌊B − (π)⌋ + 1 = max 1≤j