It can be stated that sigma-delta [3] analog-to-digital adapter is a most common approach of over-sampling analog-to-digital adapter. The map processor of a sigma-delta analog-to-digital adapter is displayed in Fig. 1 [4].The sigma-delta analog-to-digital adapter can be divided into two lumps, the quantizing and the decimating parts. Essentially, decimation is the act of decreasing the data rate down from the over-sampling rate without losing information. The quantizing part contains the analog integrator, the 1-bit analog-to-digital adapter, and the 1-bit digital-to-analog adapter [5]. The task of the quantizing part is to adapt the data in the analog input into digital shape. The input-output relationship of the sigma-delta quantizer is
A B S T R A C TThe received analog signal must be digitized before the digital signal processing can demodulate it. Sampling, quantization, and coding are the separate stages for the analog-to-digital adaptation procedure. The procedure of adapting an unceasing time-domain signal into a separate time-domain signal is called sampling. While, the procedure of adapting a separatetime, continuous-valued signal into a discrete-time, discrete-valued signal is known as quantization. Thus, quantization error is the mismatch between the unquantized sample and the quantized sample. The method of demonstrating the quantized samples in binary form is known as coding. This investigation utilized Matlab® program to recommend a proper scheme for a wireless-call button network of input signal, normalized frequency, and over-sampling ratio against signalto-quantization noise ratio. Two vital characteristics of this wireless network design are cost-effective and low-power utilization. This investigation, through reducing the in-band quantization error, also studied how oversampling can enhance the accomplishment of an analog-to-digital adapter.