Education holds the key to unlock human resources that a society needs to survive and flourish. This is particularly salient in a borderless knowledge economy. For the past decades, the sterling performance of economies such as Hong Kong, Finland, Japan, Singapore and Taiwan in international studies (e.g., TIMSS, PIRLS and PISA) has attracted much attention internationally.Researchers, policy makers and practitioners all over the world wish to under stand how education innovations propel the emerging systems from good to great to excellent, and how their trajectories will provide insights for reforms in the educa tion system, schooling innovation, and classroom practices. The Education Innovation Book Series, published by Springer, will delve into education innova tions enacted by these emerging systems and situate them in both the local and the broader international contexts. Primary focus will be given to pedagogy and class room practices; education policy formulation and implementation; school and instructional leadership; and the context and interface between education research, policy and practice. We believe that the latter is critical in making education innova tions come to bear. Each volume will document insights and lessons learned based on empirical research (both quantitative and qualitative) and theoretical analyses. Implications to research, policy and professional practice will be surfaced through comparing and synthesizing their experience in the process of comparative studies on successful reforms around the world.The audience of the edited volumes and monographs published in this series includes researchers, policy makers, practitioners and students in the fields of edu cation and teacher education, and public policies related to learning and human resources.