The Improvement and Development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises are priority for making economic and sustainable development where that is one of Economic foundation especially in Indonesia, beside that the small, medium enterprises as a sector which have important role because consist of full activities and can make expand employment, however and must be understanding, because of covid -19 disease give impact and change for all aspects, especially for continuity developing micro, small and medium enterprises .The purpose of research analyze and explain factors for developing which can be implemented strategy micro, small and medium enterprises in Pabuaran, Bogor city. The research of Method uses quantitative Descriptive, the source of data has been obtained by questionnaire toward fifty respondent, the data analyze has been obtained by factor analysis with data processing by determining of Index KMO, measure of sampling adequate, communalities values, total variant explained, rotated component matrix, From the result can be obtained from twenty variable have been reduced become sixteen variable, and three Factors include of resources and capabilities or process technic capacity, market regulation and SME regulation, employee skill. From the three factors can be determinant that the dominant factors for making development micro, small and medium enterprises is Resources and capabilities process Technic Capasity