Parenting-related factors are associated with adolescents’ online behavior. However, the relationship between the adopted parenting style and digital citizenship behaviors, as well as the variables underlying this relationship, needs to be clarified. Hence, this study examined the relationship between authoritative parenting and digital citizenship behaviors and explored the mediating roles of perceived parental fairness and self-disclosure in adolescents.
A total of 709 Mexican (52% female, M = 14.6, SD = 1.90) middle and high school students in northwest and southwest Mexico were recruited for this study. Latent structural equation modeling was performed to assess the direct and indirect relationships between variables controlling for gender.
The results showed a positive association between authoritative parenting, parental fairness, self-disclosure, and digital citizenship behavior. In addition, parental fairness, self-disclosure, and digital citizenship behaviors. In addition, parental fairness and self-disclosure partially mediated the association between authoritative parenting and digital citizenship.
These findings suggest that authoritative parenting and adolescents’ perceptions of parental fairness play an important role in adolescents' self-disclosure and development of digital citizenship behaviors.