Prop er ties of se lected Pre cam brian and Pa leo zoic sed i men tary clastic rocks were analysed with re spect to their res er voir po ten tial. Mul ti di men sional anal y sis of lab o ra tory re sults and bore hole log ging data was used to con struct dig i tal mod els of pre-Me so zoic, deeply bur ied for ma tions, pres ent as tight, low-po ros ity and low-per me abil ity rocks. This mod ern sta tis ti cal and de ter min is tic ap proach as ap plied to lab o ra tory and bore hole log ging re sults worked to in te grate data at dif fer ent scales. The re sults ob tained are use ful not only in fur ther sci en tific re search but also found a use in in dus trial ap pli ca tion. As a first step, sta tis ti cal meth ods, in clud ing clus ter ing and sep a ra tion of ho mo ge neous groups, en abled dig i tal rock model cre ation on the ba sis of the re sults of such lab o ra tory mea sure ments as pycnometry, mer cury porosimetry, nu clear mag netic res onance spec tros copy or com puted X-ray to mog ra phy. Next, the mod els con structed were ap plied in bore hole log ging in terpre ta tion to find in ter vals with sim i lar petrophysical prop er ties within the group and dif fer ent prop er ties be tween the groups. This ap proach al lowed im ple men ta tion of upscaling pro ce dures of lab o ra tory ex per i ments at mi cro-and nano-scale to borehole log ging scale. High cor re la tions were es tab lished be tween the log petrophysical pa ram e ters within the dig i tal mod els. This ap proach can be used to di vide the suc ces sion cored into in ter vals with dif fer ent petrophysical pa ram e ters.Key words: dig i tal rock mod els, Pre cam brian and Pa leo zoic sed i men tary rocks, petrophysical pa ram e ters, sta tis ti cal anal ysis of petrophysical data.