Home of Humans merupakan brand lokal baru dengan fokus produksi pada home fragrance. Dalam memasarkan produk dan menjalin hubungan serta komunikasi dengan pelanggan maupun calon pelanggan, Home of Humans menerapkan strategi humas pemasaran melalui Instagram dalam upaya meningkatkan customer engagement. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui dan menjelaskan digital storytelling Home of Humans di Instagram untuk meningkatkan customer engagement ditinjau dari teori four steps public relations. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Metode pengumpulan data berupa wawancara dan analisis konten. Narasumber dalam penelitian ini ialah Managing Director, Social Media Specialist, dan Copywriter dari Home of Humans. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa digital storytelling sebagai salah satu bentuk strategi humas pemasaran yang diimplementasikan Home of Humans melalui Instagram dapat meningkatkan customers engagement. Dalam mengimplementasikan strategi marketing public relation, Home of Humans sangat berpedoman pada proses RPIE (Research, Planning, Implementation, dan Evaluation).Home of Humans is a new local brand focusing on home fragrance production. In marketing products and establishing relationships and communication with customers and potential customers, Home of Humans implements a marketing public relations strategy through Instagram to increase customer engagement. This study aims to identify and explain digital storytelling conducted by Home of Humans on Instagram to increase customer engagement based on four steps of public relations theory. This study is qualitative descriptive research. Data were collected using interviews and descriptive content analysis. The informants in this research are Managing Director, Social Media Specialist, and Copywriter from Home of Humans. The results revealed that digital storytelling as one of the marketing public relations strategies implemented by Home of Humans through Instagram increased customer engagement. In implementing the marketing public relations strategy, Home of Humans followed the RPIE (Research, Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation) process.