As VLSI technologies are scaled into the deep submicron region, traditional hot-carrier reliability criteria can no longer be satisfied. A more realistic reliability criteria based on circuit performance, that takes into account both the physics of the degradation as well as its impact on device and circuit performance, is necessary. The current method of assessing hot-carrier reliability through simulation is an ad hoc approach, requires extensive tool calibration and yields no insights to the problem at hand. This study proposes a unified approach to evaluating hot-carrier reliability of analog circuits.First, by choosing the appropriate device model that can link device behavior to circuit performance, hot-carrier degradation can be treated as perturbations to device parameters, and therefore, can be correctly reflected at the circuit level. Second, device-level performance parameters (such as I d , gm, and gds) are studied in detail as functions of process parameters VT and J-l. This allows easy prediction of device-level parameter degradation by monitoring just two process parameters. Third, by taking advantage of well-developed circuit-analysis techniques, the small-signal device parameters gm and gds are used as independent variables to Circuit Degradation Models (CDMs), where the degradation of circuitlevel DC parameters of analog sub circuits can be modeled reasonably well as 'perturbations' in VT and J-l. This provides insights into how circuits may behave as various devices within the circuit degrade due to hot-carrier degradation. Finally, by analyzing the analog design space and examining hot-carrier degradation factors that are important to analog circuits, reliability and performance curves are presented as a way for designers and reliability engineers to define a more realistic and circuit-based criteria for hot-carrier degradation.