The storage of pathology data in civil construction refers to a set of speci c information related to the study of the health of structures and materials. Maintenance and repair history is important for monitoring the condition of the structure and further damage. BIM consists of a set of computational technologies and work methods whose objective is to create models that completely represent the building. The present work intends to present the contribution of the use of BIM in the identi cation of pathologies in buildings, presenting an information management system that allows the organization and e cient sharing of data. The methodology of this work consists of presenting a 3D virtual model of a building presenting parameterizations referring to the structure and materials of essential elements for the identi cation of future pathologies, with this information added that will be stored for the characterization of the elements. The REVIT software allowed a parametric modeling that adds the necessary information for evaluation and modi cations during the useful life of the building, in addition, it was observed that it is important to create a virtual model that guarantees that the information is stored safely and reliable to preserve data integrity.