AbstrakSDGs (sustainable development goals) menegaskan fokus isu utamanya terhadap kemiskinan, kelaparan, kesenjangan sosial, ekonomi berkelanjutan dan adil, dan perlindungan sumber daya alam. SDGs Desa merupakan gagasan yang diharapkan dapat membantu tercapainya tujuan SDGs di Indonesia. Pengabdian masyarakat berupa pendampingan pemutakhiran data SDGs Desa tahun 2022 di Desa Ngadirejo, Kecamatan Salaman, Kabupaten Magelang, Provinsi Jawa Tengah dilaksanakan oleh mahasiswa UNNES GIAT 3 Desa Ngadirejo dalam rangka ikut serta berkontribusi mewujudkan tujuan SDGs Desa di Desa Ngadirejo. Pengabdian masyarakat ini dilaksanakan melalui 3 (tiga) tahapan yakni, tahap koordinasi, tahap pra perencanaan, dan tahap pelaksanaan pemutakhiran data SDGs Desa Ngadirejo tahun 2022. Hasil pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah meringankan beban kerja Kepala Desa Ngadirejo selaku penanggung jawab pemutakhiran data SDGs Desa Ngadirejo tahun 2022. AbstactThe SDGs (sustainable development goals) emphasize the focus of the main issues on poverty, hunger, social inequality, a sustainable and just economy, and protection of natural resources Village SDGs is an idea that is expected to help achieve the goals of SDGs in Indonesia. Community service in the form of assisting in updating Village SDGs data for 2022 in Ngadirejo Village, Salaman District, Magelang Regency, Central Java Province was carried out by UNNES GIAT 3 students in Ngadirejo Village in order to participate and contribute to realizing the goals of Village SDGs in Ngadirejo Village. This community service is carried out through 3 (three) stages, namely, the coordination stage, the pre-planning stage, and the implementation stage of updating the Ngadirejo Village SDGs data in 2022. The result of this community service is to ease the workload of the Ngadirejo Village Head as the person in charge of updating the Ngadirejo Village SDGs data in 2022.Keywords: Data Update; Community Service; Village SDGs