During an investigation of the effects of digitalis on the electrocardiograms of children with rheumatic fever and chronic valvular heart disease1 it became imperative to study the usual electrocardiograms seen in children with this condition. Digitalis affects various portions of the conduction mechanism of the heart, and the interpretation of such changes can be made only from a comparison with the usual tracing obtained. Although there have been several comprehensive studies of the electrocardiograms of normal children,2 similar investigations have not been made in children with chronic rheumatic valvular heart disease and heart failure. Incomplete studies are mentioned by Hecht 3 and Coombs.4The present study was made on eighty-seven children with chronic rheumatic heart disease in various stages of heart failure. The majority were patients observed in the cardiac clinic maintained by the Montefiore Hospital ; others were bed patients in the wards of the institution. The ages ranged from 5 to 15 years. There were forty-four boys and forty-three girls. The patients were grouped on an anatomic and functional basis. Of the eighty-seven patients, seventy-four had mitral stenosis and insufficiency, either alone or combined with aortic insufficiency. There were eight cases of pure aortic insufficiency and five cases of aortic stenosis and insufficiency. The classification of the cases from their functional capacity was the one adopted by the Amer-