“…In order to avoid the overestimation or underestimation of teacher's own digital skills, it is necessary to cultivate a mentality of personal and professional growth both individually and collectively Promoting a reality-based mentality will lead to realistic solutions to educational problems, but also to the development of trust in teachers and other authorities who have influence in leading the socio-educational progress of a community Researchers concerned about the situation of the Romanian educational system conducted studies, prepared reports on the situation of access to ICT devices by students and teachers and of the teachers training to face the challenge of online teaching during the pandemic Some of them even recommended possible public policies in the Romanian education system (Ayllón et al, 2021;etc;Botnariuc, 2020;Florian & Țoc, 2020;IRES, 2020;Onete et al, 2020;Velicu, 2020Velicu, , 2021aVelicu, , 2021b Thus, in order for change to take place in the Romanian educational system, it is necessary for each of us (students, teachers, principals, etc) to be aware and accept when we have a problem and initiate its solution, practicing healthy relationships with responsible people and getting involved in the solution activities initiated by them The continuous struggle between subordinates and managers will only lead to inefficiency of activities and poor results of the educational system for which no one takes responsibility…”