The degradation of guanosine 5'-diphosphate,3'-diphosphate (ppGpp) by the "crude" ribosomal fraction of Escherichia coli CP 78 (rel+, spoT+) was demonstrated and characterized. When the 3'-pyrophosphoryl group of ppGpp was hydrolyzed, the primary degradation product was 5'-GDP. PhospboryIation of ppGpp to guanosine 5'-triphosphate,3'-diphosphate (pppGpp) prior to degradation was not necessary. The degradation process required Mn2+ and was inhibited by EDTA. Levallorphan, an inhibitor of in vivo ppGpp degradation, also inhibited ppGpp degradation by the crude ribosome. Thiostrepton and tetracycline did not have any inhibitory effect, indicating that the reaction is not a reversal of pyrophosphorylation catalyzed by the stringent factor/ribosome complex.Crude ribosome fractions from E. coli NF161 and NF162, both spoT, contained little degrading activity, but similar fractions of E. coli CP79, a reL4-and spoT+ strain, contained ppGpp degrading activity.Guanosine 5'-diphosphate,3'-diphosphate (ppGpp) is a pleotropic effector that regulates various metabolic pathways (1) as well as the transcription of certain operons during nutritional stress (2) in bacterial cells. Bacteria have therefore developed a sensitive balance of biosynthesis and degradation in controlling the cellular concentration of ppGpp (3). The biosynthesis of this important nucleotide during amino acid deprivation was found to be a ribosome-dependent process (4), the basic mechanism of which is that the stringent factor, ATP: GTP(GDP) 3'-pyrophosphotransferase, is activated by a ribosome-mRNA complex when the aminoacyl-tRNA site of the ribosome is occupied by a codon-specified, uncharged tRNA. A nonribosome-dependent synthesis of ppGpp has also been found (5, 6).The degradation process of ppGpp has not been well defined due to the lack of an in vitro cell-free system. In vivo studies have shown that it is very rapid (7,8) and is controlled by the availability of an energy source (9), but studies with spoTmutant, which has a 10-fold slower degradation rate, have led to conflicting theories as to its degradation pathway (10-13). I report here on the characterization of an in vitro cell-free ppGpp degradation system. METHODS Materials. Escherichia coli CP78 (arg-, his-, leu -, thr, thi-, relA+, spoT+), CP79 (arg-, his-, leu-, thr-, thi-, relA-, spoT+), NF161 (met-, arg-, relA+, spoT-), and NF162 (met , arg-, relA , spoT-), kindly supplied by N. Fiil of the University of Copenhagen, were grown in a yeast extract/phosphate medium (14).[3H]ppGpp (8.1 Ci/mmol) was prepared as described (15).[3H]GDP and [3H]GTP were purchased from New England Nuclear. Levallorphan tartrate was a gift from W. Scott, Hoffman-LaRoche, Nutley, NJ. Boric acid gel (particle size 0.1-0.4 mm) was obtained from Aldrich Chemical Co. and was pretreated with acetone as described (16). Nucleotides other than ppGpp were obtained from P-L Biochemicals.Preparation of Crude Ribosomdl Fraction. E. coli CP78 cells from the late logarithmic phase were harvested and washed once with buf...