The study included 29 patients (7 men and 22 women aged 20-75 years). Changes in the kidneys are observed in 62 % of cases of aortoarteritis, and pathology of lung and liver affect them, and, stenosis of renal arteries is diagnosed in 44 % of nephropathy cases, renal sonographic changes-in 39 %, kidney failure-in 56 %, and morphological changes in the kidney are characterized by proliferation of mesangiocytes, increase of mesangial matrix, cleavage of capillary loops and thickening of the basement membrane of Shumlyansky-Bowman's capsule, glomerular sclerosis/hyalinosis, lymphohistiocytic infiltration of interstitium, periglomerular and perivascular sclerosis, plasmatic impregnation, vascular elastosis and fibrosis, deposits of immunoglobulins (A, G, M), C3-and C1q-components of complement in the glomeruli and the stroma, that is associated with blood levels of fibrinogen and antibodies to cardiolipin, with the size of the aorta, heart cavities, the degree of vasodilation and pressure in the pulmonary artery.