The development of novel extractive metallurgy techniques for titanium offers the prospect of lower cost Ti powder and therefore wider application of Ti. This review is largely confined to coverage of the low cost press and sinter methods of powder metallurgy, consisting of cold pressing of mixed elemental powders followed by sintering without the application of external pressure. Cold die compaction, sintering behaviour and densification are reviewed in detail. Some information on powders and cold isostatic pressing is included. Microstructure, mechanical properties and applications are considered in less detail. The review deals mostly with the sintering of alloys, but there is some reference to synthesis of intermetallic compounds, such as the shape memory alloy NiTi and titanium aluminides for high temperature applications. Densification is discussed in terms of the four fundamental processing variables: compaction pressure, particle size, sintering temperature and sintering time. Other factors such as alloy composition, the form of alloying addition, type and impurity content of powders and heating rate are also considered.