Structural anisotropy in equal-channel angular extruded nickel revealed by dilatometric study of excess volume Structural anisotropy and excess volume in ultra-fine grained high-purity nickel prepared by equal-channel angular pressing (ECAP) is studied by means of dilatometry and compared with the processing route of high-pressure torsion. Both routes exhibit qualitatively similar three-stage behavior in length change upon defect annealing with a characteristic dependence on the measuring direction related to the deformation axes. Taking into account shape anisotropy of the crystallites, the length change in various directions can be quantitatively analyzed yielding direct access to the concentration of deformation-induced lattice vacancies, the vacancy relaxation, and the grain boundary expansion. The routes A12 and B C 12 of ECAP are compared.Keywords: Dilatometry; Equal-channel angular pressing; High-pressure torsion; Vacancy; Recrystallization
IntroductionIn the past few years, difference dilatometry has proven a powerful absolute technique in order to quantify the amount of excess volume in ultrafine grained metals prepared by severe plastic deformation (SPD) [1,2] 1 . In particular, the absolute concentration of deformation-induced lattice vacancies and the grain boundary (GB) expansion as well as issues of structural relaxation, defect kinetics and aggolomeration could be determined focusing on SPD-processed Ni [4 -6] and Cu [7,8]. Studies of these kinds of defects are of pivotal importance since the atomistic processes, which occur during SPD-induced structural refinement and which give rise to the particular mechanical behaviour, are intimately related to structural defects available in these materials in highly abundant concentrations [9,10].Based on systematic dilatometric studies of ultrafine grained metals prepared by high-pressure torsion (HPT) [4 -6, 8, 11], the present work aims at studying free volumes in Ni in detail after an entirely different deformation process, namely equal-channel angular pressing (ECAP). Dilatometric results contributed to an earlier study on ECAP-processed Ni [12]. However, there commercial grade nickel of lower purity (99.6 wt.%) was used, and it is well known that impurities significantly influence the annealing behavior of the different defects. Furthermore, no orientation dependence was measured. Now again, nickel J. A. Kotzurek et al.: Structural anisotropy in equal-channel angular extruded nickel revealed by dilatometric study Int.