We perform an ab initio calculation of the N c scaling of the low-energy couplings of the chiral Lagrangian of low-energy strong interactions, extracted from the mass dependence of meson masses and decay constants. We compute these observables on the lattice with four degenerate fermions, N f = 4, and varying number of colours, N c = 3-6, at a lattice spacing of a 0.075 fm. We find good agreement with the expected N c scaling and measure the coefficients of the leading and subleading terms in the large N c expansion. From the subleading N c corrections, we can also infer the N f dependence, that we use to extract the value of the low-energy couplings for different values of N f. We find agreement with previous determinations at N c = 3 and N f = 2, 3 and also, our results support a strong paramagnetic suppression of the chiral condensate in moving from N f = 2 to N f = 3.