In this paper we study the singular Fano compactifications of C 3 with small Gorenstein singularities and determine the structure of such a compactification in the case of the Fano index r ≥ 2.
Mathematics Subject Classification (2000): 14J45 , 32J05NotationBs |L| : base locus of the linear system |L| b i (X) := dim R H i (X; R) ρ(X) : Picard number of X mult A X : multiplicity of X at a general point of A K X : canonical divisor of X ∼ : linear equivalence ∼ = : isomorphism F n : Hirzebruch surface of degree n Q n : smooth quadric hypersurface in P n+1 Q 2 0 : quadric cone in P 3 Q 3 0 : quadric hypersurface in P 4 with an isolated singular point V 5 : smooth Fano threefold of index two and degree 5 in P 6 (see [16]) V * 5 : singular Fano threefold of index two and degree 5 in P 6 with small Gorenstein singularities (see[3],[19]) V 22 : smooth Fano threefold of index one and degree 22 in P 13 (see [17]) V * 22 : singular Fano threefold of index one and degree 22 in P 13 with small Gorenstein singularities 710 M. Furushima