Abstract. We present numerical methods for both the direct solution and simulation of the chemical master equation (CME), and, compared to popular methods in current use, such as the Gillespie stochastic simulation algorithm (SSA) and τ -Leap approximations, this new approach has the advantage of being able to detect when the system has settled down to equilibrium. This improved performance is due to the incorporation of information from the associated CME, a valuable complementary approach to the SSA that has often been felt to be too computationally inefficient. Hybrid methods, that combine these complementary approaches and so are able to detect equilibrium while maintaining the efficiency of the leap methods, are also presented. Amongst CME-solvers the recently suggested finite state projection algorithm is especially well suited to this purpose and has been adapted here for the task, leading to a type of "exact τ -Leap." It is also observed that a CMEsolver is often more efficient than an SSA or even a τ -Leap approach for computing moments of the solution such as the mean and variance. These techniques are demonstrated on a test suite of five biologically inspired models, namely, stochastic models of the genetic toggle, receptor oligomerization, the Schlögl reactions, Goutsias' model of regulated gene transcription, and a decaying-dimerizing reaction set. For the gene toggle it is observed that important experimentally measurable traits such as the percentage of cells that undergo so-called switching may also be more efficiently approximated via a CME-based approach.
Key words. chemical master equation, stochastic simulation algorithm, systems biology
AMS subject classifications. 60H35, 65C40, 65F10DOI. 10.1137/060678154 1. Introduction. Recent and rapid advances in molecular biology promise great benefits in areas such as medicine and agriculture, and computational biology is seen as having an important role to play in these advances by modeling cell biology at a systems level [10]. Modeling such vastly complicated systems as living cells is inherently a multiscale exercise due to the vast range of spatial and temporal scales on which these processes occur [8]. This paper focuses on the development of multiscale computational methods for coping with this complexity. In particular, this paper focuses on computational methods for models of gene regulatory networks (GRNs) as continuous-time, discrete-state, Markov processes. We note in passing that there are many other kinds of modeling frameworks for GRNs, such as partial differential equations (PDEs) or Kauffman's Boolean networks [8,9].GRNs have been successfully modeled by Markov processes, a notable example being that of the bacteriophage λ life cycle [2], and, in this setting, a GRN is modeled via the collection of biochemical reactions of which it is composed. Although under some circumstances, chemical kinetics have been well modeled by ordinary differential equations (ODEs), under many circumstances this is not appropriate. For example, there are on...