The objective of the research was to evaluate land use and occupation in the Fundaça Stream subbasin, state of Espírito Santo, Brazil, aiming at subsidizing improvements in environmental conservation and territorial planning. The procedures were performed in the ArcGIS® computer program. First, the study defined the limits of the subbasin, and then obtained the features of land use and occupation for the state of Espírito Santo from two mappings, from 2007 to 2008, and from 2012 to 2015. These features were edited, defining the classes of use and occupation only for the subbasin. They were identified, quantified, and mapped. There is a predominance of pasture, with percentages above 50 %, although this occupation decreased by 1.94 % between the periods studied. Coffee growing, the third predominant class, also decreased, which can be attributed to the preference for other activities, such as eucalyptus forestry. This showed strong growth, although with even lower percentages. Mishandling of those areas can cause environmental and economic damage. However, the areas of native vegetation represented a minimal rate, even with an increase, due to the decrease of vegetation in the early stage of regeneration. Macega (wild vegetation) coverage, besides being close to the native vegetation and which was predominantly fragmented, indicates problems with the use and occupation planning. The action of the local riverbasin committee and public managers, besides environmental education, and correct management of rural activities, are necessary actions.