Diophantine n-tuple where n=3 is called as a Diophantine triple. It means that Diophantine triple is a set of three positive integers satisfying special condition. For example, {a, b, c} is called a D(k)-Diophantine triple if multiplying of any two different of them plus k is a perfect square integer where k is an integer. In this work, we take in consideration some kind of regular D(±3 3)-Diophantine triples. We demonstrate that such sets can not be extendible to D(±3 3)-Diophantine quadruple by using algebraic methods such as classical Pell equations solutions, solutions of ux 2 + vy 2 = w Diophantine equations where u, v, w ∈ Z, factorization in the set of integers, and so on. Besides, we obtain some notable characteristic properties for such sets.