Hyperosmotic stress initiates adaptive responses, including phosphorylation of myosin light chain (MLC) and concomitant activation of Na ϩ -K ϩ -Cl Ϫ cotransporter (NKCC). Because the small GTPase Rho is a key regulator of MLC phosphorylation, we investigated 1) whether Rho is activated by hyperosmotic stress, and if so, what the triggering factors are, and 2) whether the Rho/Rho kinase (ROK) pathway is involved in MLC phosphorylation and NKCC activation. Rho activity was measured in tubular epithelial cells by affinity pulldown assay. Hyperosmolarity induced rapid (Ͻ1 min) and sustained (Ͼ20 min) Rho activation that was proportional to the osmotic concentration and reversed within minutes upon restoration of isotonicity. Both decreased cell volume at constant ionic strength and elevated total ionic strength at constant cell volume were capable of activating Rho. Changes in [Na ϩ ] and [K ϩ ] at normal total salinity failed to activate Rho, and Cl Ϫ depletion did not affect the hyperosmotic response. Thus alterations in cellular volume and ionic strength but not individual ion concentrations seem to be the critical triggering factors. Hyperosmolarity induced mono-and diphosphorylation of MLC, which was abrogated by the Rho-family blocker Clostridium toxin B. ROK inhibitor Y-27632 suppressed MLC phosphorylation under isotonic conditions and prevented its rise over isotonic levels in hypertonically stimulated cells. ML-7 had a smaller inhibitory effect. In contrast, it abolished the hypertonic activation of NKCC, whereas Y-27632 failed to inhibit this response. Thus hyperosmolarity activates Rho, and Rho/ROK pathway contributes to basal and hyperosmotic MLC phosphorylation. However, the hypertonic activation of NKCC is ROK independent, implying that the ROK-dependent component of MLC phosphorylation can be uncoupled from NKCC activation. cell volume; ionic strength; small GTPases; Y-27632; ML-7; myosin light chain; NaOSMOTIC STRESS induces a variety of compensatory responses that can be classified into three major categories: activation of ion transport systems; changes in the transcription of osmosensitive genes and, consequently, in the expression of osmolyte-generating enzymes or solute carriers; and reorganization of the cytoskeleton (for reviews, see Refs. 28,35,38,and 53). Whereas considerable knowledge has accumulated about these vital adaptive responses, comparatively little is known about the signaling processes that link them to the initial osmotic insult. Regarding the cytoskeletal effects, our previous studies (8, 29) have shown that Rac and Cdc42, two members of the Rho family small GTPases, are stimulated by hyperosmotic stress and that their activation contributes to the osmotically provoked cytoskeleton remodeling. Specifically, these small GTPases appear to play a role in the reinforcement of the cortical cytoskeleton by facilitating peripheral de novo F-actin assembly (8, 29) and by inducing translocation of cortactin (8), a protein that potentiates actin polymerization and stabilizes newly gener...