We study the problem of partially ordered phases with periodically arranged disordered (paramagnetic) sites on the pyrochlore lattice, a network of corner-sharing tetrahedra. The periodicity of these phases is characterized by one or more wave vectors k = { 1 2 1 2 1 2 }. Starting from a general microscopic Hamiltonian including anisotropic nearest-neighbor exchange, long-range dipolar interactions and second-and third-nearest neighbor exchange, we identify using standard mean-field theory (s-MFT) an extended range of interaction parameters that support partially ordered phases. We demonstrate that thermal fluctuations ignored in s-MFT are responsible for the selection of one particular partially ordered phase, e.g. the "4-k" phase over the "1-k" phase. We suggest that the transition into the 4-k phase is continuous with its critical properties controlled by the cubic fixed point of a Ginzburg-Landau theory with a 4-component vector order-parameter. By combining an extension of the Thouless-Anderson-Palmer method originally used to study fluctuations in spin glasses with parallel-tempering Monte-Carlo simulations, we establish the phase diagram for different types of partially ordered phases. Our results elucidate the long-standing puzzle concerning the origin of the 4-k partially ordered phase observed in the Gd2Ti2O7 dipolar pyrochlore antiferromagnet below its paramagnetic phase transition temperature. Highly frustrated magnetism is one of the paradigms of modern condensed matter physics [1]. In frustrated magnets, the combination of lattice geometry and competing interactions often leads to degenerate classical states. The degeneracies are generally accidental as they are not protected by the symmetries of the spin Hamiltonian. Yet, the degenerate states may be related by transformations that form an emergent symmetry group. Near a continuous phase transition, these approximate symmetries provide "organizing principles" in determining the critical properties by distinguishing relevant perturbations from irrelevant ones. In the most interesting case, the leading degeneracy-lifting perturbations, which may be relevant or irrelevant in the renormalization group sense, are thermal or quantum fluctuations -a phenomenon called order-by-disorder (ObD) [2][3][4][5]. The competition among diverse degeneracy-lifting effects can result in a modulated long-range ordered state at nonzero wave vector k, which may or may not be commensurate with the lattice [6][7][8][9][10][11][12]. In some cases, a number of superposed symmetryrelated k modes within the first Brillouin zone form a socalled multiple-k order [6,7,13,14]. A particular interesting form of such modulated magnetism is a partially ordered state (POS) with periodically arranged "paramagnetic" sites [15][16][17][18]. These fluctuating magnetic moments decimate a fraction of the energy-costly frustrated bonds while retaining an extensive entropy, hence lowering the free energy.In this Letter, we study the convergence of the aforementioned phenomena (emergent symmet...