We show that net amplification of surface plasmons is achieved in channel in a metal plate due to nonradiative excitation by quantum dots. This makes possible lossless plasmon transmission lines in the channel as well as the amplification and generation of coherent surface plasmons. As an example, a ring channel spaser is considered. In this regard, studies of plasmons propagating along 1D objects such as wires [3], wedges [4,5], and channels [6,7] are of great interest.Losses in metals are the main obstacle to practical applications of plasmonics. It has been suggested that this problem can be overcome by compensating loss in a gain medium [8][9][10][11].This relates nanoplasmonics to quantum optics [1,2]. In particular, a generator of plasmons propagating along a flat surface has been suggested in Refs. [12][13][14]. In this system, periodic surface corrugations produce Bragg mirrors of the resonator cavity. The first quantum nanoplasmonic device which was referred to as spaser (Surface Plasmon Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) was proposed in Ref. [1]. The spaser consists of a quantum dot (QD) located near a metal nanoparticle (NP). The plasmonic oscillations in the NP play the