The Earth's magnetopause exists in a delicate balance between forces exerted between the impinging solar wind and the Earth's intrinsic magnetic field. The subsolar magnetopause is typically located approximately ten Earth radii (R E ) upstream but, during periods of enhanced solar wind forcing, this can be compressed to half this distance and inside the drift paths of radiation belt electrons and protons (Shprits et al., 2006) and the orbits of geosynchronous satellites (Cahill & Winckler, 1999). Moreover, magnetopause motion can drive global ultra-low-frequency (ULF) pulsations (Green & Kivelson, 2004;Li et al., 1997) and intense ionospheric and ground induced current systems (Fujita et al., 2003;Smith et al., 2019). The dynamics and location of the magnetopause are therefore of wide relevance to the understanding of planetary magnetospheres and to space weather forecasting.The location and shape of the magnetopause was initially theoretically predicted to depend on the pressure exerted by a stream of charged particles from the Sun (Chapman & Ferraro, 1931) and its three dimensional geometry was derived based on solar wind dynamic pressure alone (Mead & Beard, 1964). Measurements