Dirac particle represents a fundamental constituent of our nature. Simulation of Dirac particle dynamics by a controllable quantum system using quantum walks will allow us to investigate the nonclassical nature of dynamics in its discrete form. In this work, starting from a modified version of onespatial dimensional general inhomogeneous split-step discrete quantum walk we derive an effective Hamiltonian which mimics a single massive Dirac particle dynamics in curved (1+1) space-time dimension coupled to U(1) gauge potential-which is a forward step towards the simulation of the unification of electromagnetic and gravitational forces in lower dimension and at the single particle level. Implementation of this simulation scheme in simple qubit-system has been demonstrated. We show that the same Hamiltonian can represent (2+1) space-time dimensional Dirac particle dynamics when one of the spatial momenta remains fixed. We also discuss how we can include U(N) gauge potential in our scheme, in order to capture other fundamental force effects on the Dirac particle. The emergence of curvature in the two-particle split-step quantum walk has also been investigated while the particles are interacting through their entangled coin operation.operations-mimics the Dirac evolution under influence of gravitational waves in (2+1) dimension-was also recently reported in [24]. In [25], it is shown that the SS-DQW, where the coin parameters are space and timestep independent, can capture properties of the discretized Dirac particle dynamics in flat (1+1) dimension, while conventional DQW is unable to capture all properties of it. This motivates us to generalize the SS-DQW operation and study the consequences of it.In this paper starting from a slightly modified version of the single-step split-step DQW (SS-DQW) [26] whose coin operators are time and position-step dependent (inhomogeneous both in time and space), we derive a SS-DQW version of the (1+1) dimensional massive Dirac particle Hamiltonian under the influence of the U(1) gauge potential in curved space-time. This scheme is realizable in various physical table-top system as the SS-DQW has been proposed and successfully implemented in various systems like cold atoms [27], superconducting qubits [28,29], photonic systems [30,31]. Our scheme can also describe the (2+1) dimensional Dirac Hamiltonian in curved space-time when one component of momentum of the particle remains fixed. We provide realization of our simulation scheme using qubit systems. This scheme doesn't require any prior encoding or decoding, nor it demands extra conditions on the coin parameters in order to satisfy the boundedness (well-defined eigenvalues) of the generator which is the effective Hamiltonian in our case, i.e.the unitary operator should start evolution from identity while the parameter of the corresponding lie group evolves from zero to a nonzero real value. Our coin operations are general U(2) group elements in coinspace. After considering all the terms up to first order in time-step s...