The existence of prolonged radiation domination prior to
the Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN), starting just after the inflationary
epoch, is not yet established unanimously. If instead, the universe undergoes
a non-standard cosmological phase, it will alter the Hubble expansion rate
significantly and may also generate substantial entropy through non-adiabatic
evolution. This leads to a thumping impact on the properties of relic species
decoupled from the thermal bath before the revival of the standard radiation
domination in the vicinity of the BBN. In this work, considering the Dirac nature
of neutrinos, we have studied decoupling of ultra-relativistic right-handed
neutrinos (νR
s) in presence of two possible non-standard cosmological phases.
While in both cases we have modified Hubble parameters causing faster expansions
in the early universe, one of the situations predicts a non-adiabatic evolution
and thereby a slower redshift of the photon temperature due to the expansion.
Considering the most general form of the collision term with
Fermi-Dirac distribution and Pauli blocking factors, we have solved
the Boltzmann equation numerically to obtain ΔNeff for the
three right-handed neutrinos. We have found that for a large portion
of parameter space, the combined effect of early decoupling of νR
as well as the slower redshift of photon bath can easily hide the
signature of right-handed neutrinos, in spite of precise measurement
of ΔNeff, at the next generation CMB experiments
like CMB-S4, SPT-3G etc. This however will not be applicable for the scenarios
with only fast expansion.