We theoretically study the magnetoelectric coupling in a quantum anomalous Hall insulator state induced by interfacing a dynamic magnetization texture to a topological insulator. In particular, we propose that the quantum anomalous Hall insulator with a magnetic configuration of a domain wall, when contacted by electrical reservoirs, acts as a magnetoelectric piston. A moving domain wall pumps charge current between electrical leads in a closed circuit, while applying an electrical bias induces reciprocal domain-wall motion. This piston-like action is enabled by a finite reflection of charge carriers via chiral modes imprinted by the domain wall. Moreover, we find that, when compared with the recently discovered spin-orbit torque-induced domain-wall motion in heavy metals, the reflection coefficient plays the role of an effective spin-Hall angle governing the efficiency of the proposed electrical control of domain walls. Quantitatively, this effective spin-Hall angle is found to approach a universal value of 2, providing an efficient scheme to reconfigure the domain-wall chiral interconnects for possible memory and logic applications.PACS numbers: 72.15.Gd, Introduction. Motivated by the possibility of realizing unique magnetoelectric phenomena, breaking of timereversal symmetry in recently discovered topological insulators (TIs) 1 has become one of the central themes of theoretical and experimental research. In particular, a proximal magnetic order can induce a gap in an otherwise linear spectrum of the Dirac electrons residing on the surface of a TI, resulting in a phase transition to a quantum anomalous Hall (QAH) state 2 . This QAH phase manifests itself via the appearance of quantized surface Hall currents and chiral modes (at the boundary where the gap vanishes), which, in turn, give rise to two types of magnetoelectric effects. Firstly, the Oersted fields originating from the surface Hall currents result in a topological magnetoelectric effect 3 (a condensed matter realization of axion electrodynamics 4 ). Examples of predicted consequences of this magnetoelectric effect include: appearance of image magnetic monopole 5 and charging of magnetization textures 6 . Secondly, the surface Hall currents and chiral modes exert exchange coupling-induced spin torque on the magnetic order both in and out of equilibrium. Here, the magnetoelectric effects explored theoretically include: surface Hall currents-induced switching of monodomain magnets 7 ; coupled dynamics of domain wall and chiral mode imprinted by the wall 89 ; and equilibrium spin torque-induced interfacial anisotropy and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction 10 .Technologically, the magnetoelectric effects in QAH regime provide an opportunity to construct spintronic devices with minimal dissipation 7 , thanks to the dissipationless nature of Hall currents and chiral propagation. A prototypical example of a spintronic application envisioned for next generation information processing is based on a domain-wall, owing to its nonvolatile nature. In such a devi...