Background:The R matrix formalism of Lane and Thomas has proven to be a convenient reaction theory for solving many-coupled channel systems. The theory provides solutions to bound states, scattering states, and resonances for microscopic models in one formalism. Purpose: The first purpose is to extend this formalism to the relativistic case so that the many-coupled channels problem may be solved for systems in which binary breakup channels satisfy a relative Dirac equation. The second purpose is to employ this formalism in a relativistic continuum shell model. Methods: Expressions for the collision matrix and the scattering amplitude, from which observables may be calculated, are derived. The formalism is applied to the 1p-1h relativistic continuum shell model with an interaction extracted from relativistic mean field theory. Results:The simplest of the σ + ω + ρ exchange interactions produces a reasonable description of proton scattering from 15 N, and, therefore, provides a simple, relatively self-consist, physically justifiable model for use in knockout reactions. 24.10.Eq, 24.10.Jv, 25.40.Cm